
Super Valuable

Career Opportunities

If you have the desire to help people, to learn new things, to grow your professional career, and to become financially independent, then we want You. 

Your financial independence is connected with the independence of other individuals who have studied our Value Proposition.  This interdependence is crucial for bringing Pure Ubiquitous Capitalism to U.S. citizens (and global citizens) at the scale of our Value Proposition (e.g. a $5.4 Trillion Value for 13,983,816 members to become home-owners).

So be prepared to work in a team of 31 Members and to become completely knowledgeable about our Value Proposition.  As you study this page, get ready to select one of three opportunities.  All contract pay packages have Value attached to the cash compensation.  Sign up today and claim one of these packages (worth $1.1 to $10.7 million) while they are still available.

How it works

Sign Up Today

Give us your basic contact details when you sign up.

Pick One of Three

A Member-Care Advisor™ (MCA), a Utah-based Executive, and a LoTeLEO® Mortgage Representative are the opportunities.  Read through them and select one.

Give us your background

Follow the directions in your selected opportunity to provide a little more information about yourself.

Access privileged information

Stay informed with privileged information regarding your chosen opportunity and how to discharge your responsibilities.  You are given access to a password-protected page. 

W H Y   E Q U I T Y   S C O R E ® ?

It's THE Smart Choice

Be on the cutting edge of new business standards assuring an exciting Value Proposition to our Members.  You will learn lots of new debt-free financial secrets which have been hidden for decades, even centuries.

Supporting Members and Companies

Member-Care Advisors (MCAs) provide customer support to our 13,983,816 Members. A team of 31 MCAs also provides business consulting services to one of the 649 company subsidiaries.  This dual role is important.  Earned Equity Values range from $1.1 million to $3.9 million.

Helping Members become Home-Owners

The blue-print for our mortgage company subsidiary calls for 139,841 representatives.  That's 4.511 LoTeLEO® Rep Teams where the Representatives work online, prorated across the USA.  Earned Equity Values range from $2.7 million to $5.1 million.

Driving Forward To Launch

31 Utah-based executives & professionals make up an executive team that manages our progress to launch and beyond.  Your skills in engineering, law, accounting, marketing, real-estate, food, and government are most welcomed.  Most of all, we need 31 persons of integrity.  Earned Equity Values range from $7.6 million to $10.7 million.

From Professor PDK's Desk

Today we have very important points about economics and finance because these areas have been examined through the eyes of physics.  Here are two points.

First, 100% of the 30+ million US businesses (maybe less because of the Covid-19 pandemic), the approximately 20,000 USA publicly-listed companies, and the approximately 70,000 Global publicly-listed companies DO NOT use a science-based Organizational Structure.  This is because no such structure existed until Equity Score®. 

Second, 100% of businesses and 100% of households DO NOT use a science-based Budget Structure because no such structure existed until Equity Score®.

One can only imagine how much waste and mismanagement has occurred for lack of these two science-based structures for Organization and Budget.

Your careers with Equity Score® will start off using a Science-based Genetic Organizational Structure at and the Solar Cycle Budget©.  Here are a few things about the Organizational structure.

The Org913® Command Organizational Structure has 31 rows.  This number 31 is based on genetics, i.e. how the five types of immunoglobulin are deployed to give the human body immunity.  In other words, Org913® is not just for Human Resources.  This five-fold structure is a secret even to the biophysicists and the geneticists. 

The Organizational Structure looks incredibly simple... and it is.  But the 31 rows are only the beginning of its use.    Org913® automatically tells the users how to scientifically manage the execution of dynamic goals, giving Equity Score® LLC and its 649 subsidiaries a clear advantage.  Simply choose the goal.  Then split the goal into 31 parts, paying particular attention to the seven rows: (1, 2, and 17) and (3, 10, 18, and 25) in this order.  This is the Command Leadership of each team.

PURE CAPITALISM: "One For All and All For One"

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